Fortinet NSE-4 Training – Australia Virtual


FortiGate Security
In this three-day course, you will learn how to use basic FortiGate features, including security
profiles. In interactive labs, you will explore firewall policies, user authentication, SSL VPN,
dial-up IPsec VPN, and how to protect your network using security profiles such as IPS,
antivirus, web filtering, application control, and more. These administration fundamentals will
provide you with a solid understanding of how to implement basic network security.

FortiGate Infrastructure
In this two-day course, you will learn how to use advanced FortiGate networking and security.
Topics include features commonly applied in
complex or larger enterprise or MSSP networks, such as advanced routing, transparent mode,
redundant infrastructure, site-to-site IPsec VPN, SSO, web proxy, and diagnostics.

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