Save Your Data and Your Sanity

We have so much to stress out about already, we simply don’t want to be stressing about our data. And yet, a recent report by Rubrik Zero Labs found that 96% of the asked persons suffered emotional or psychological impacts as a direct result of experiencing a cyberattack. That’s a lot!

Here’s what you can do to minimise this stress factor:

Take a two-sided approach to data security

Adopting a modern security strategy means implementing measures presuming that the environment is already breached. Therefore, a modern approach to data security must be two-sided. One which protects data from the outside in at the edge or endpoint, and the other protects data from the inside out by applying layered protections closer to data.

Inventory your systems and your data

Implementing and maintaining an inventory management system of your hardware and software assets is essential to good cybersecurity hygiene. It not only quantifies your assets for financial and budgetary needs, but it also builds a strong foundation for disaster recovery by scoping the assets needed during a ransomware recovery. However, there is a need to also inventory data. But attackers are seeking out backups as part of their campaigns and thus taking away the ability to recover. As such, it is critical to apply additional layers of protection to a backup solution such as multi-factor authentication, role-based access control, and possibly network segmentation to mitigate access to backup data.

Apply the Pareto principle

“The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, is a theory maintaining that 80 percent of the output from a given situation or system is determined by 20 percent of the input.” –

The effort to protect your backup data is going to be a highly effective step toward being prepared to recover from ransomware. Therefore, it is important to closely manage, test, and protect your backup copies and always prioritize your ability to recover.


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