BlackFog – Remote Working and Coronavirus – E book

How BlackFog Can Help

With the onset of Coronavirus, the issue of remote working has been pushed to the forefront for organizations globally. Whilst many organizations have little to fear from the disruption of remote operations we recognize that there are some who do not have programs and system in place for their staff. These organizations will find they have issues around cybersecurity and protecting their devices and networks outside of their corporate environments, and the IT departments of many are already very stretched.

With this in mind, we have created an e-book covering the privacy and cybersecurity essentials that will help these organizations secure their remote employees and their privacy and data during this difficult time. For a limited time we will be offering 30 days of BlackFog with no licence costs for your customers. There will be a set-up cost of €1995 only. We hope that this will allow these companies to acquire the necessary internal approvals to implement our solution quickly,  so they can ensure their remote workers have the protection they need. At the end of the 30 day period the customer will be required to pay for the licences should they wish to continue using BlackFog.

Please feel free to use the e-book in your marketing campaigns and to share it via your social channels. We do believe this is a helpful guide that your customers will benefit from. You can download the e-book from our website here.