Fortinet – 13 nóvember – Fast Track: Proactive Advanced Endpoint Protection, Visibility, and Control for Critical Assets


Exclusive Networks, í samstarfi við Fortinet, heldur hraðnámskeið á netinu fyrir alla áhugasama um að fræðast betur um: ,„Proactive Advanced Endpoint Protection, Visibility, and Control for Critical Assets“

Endpoints are frequently the target of initial compromise or attacks. One recent study found that 30% of breaches involved malware being installed on endpoints. Fortinet endpoint solutions strengthen endpoint security through integrated visibility, control, and proactive defense. 

FortiClient can discover, monitor, and assess endpoint risks, so you can ensure endpoint compliance, mitigate risks, and reduce exposure. Its tight integration with the Fortinet Security Fabric enables policy-based automation to contain threats and controloutbreaks. FortiClient also provides secure remote access with ZTNA, built-in VPN, single sign-on, and two-factor authentication for added security.

FortiEDR delivers advanced, real-time threat protection for endpoints both pre- and post-infection. It proactively reduces the attack surface, prevents malware infection, detects and defuses potential threats in real time, and can automate response and remediationprocedures with customizable playbooks.

Allir eru velkomnir á þetta áhugaverða hraðnámskeið hvort sem þeir eru samstarfsaðilar Exclusive Networks eða viðskiptavinir þeirra.

Þetta geta þátttakendur átt von á því að læra á þessu hraðnámskeiði:

    • Integrate FortiClient EMS into the Security Fabric
    • Deploy the custom FortiClient installer
    • Configure FortiClient EMS to apply ZTNA tags to endpoints that FortiGate can use to dynamically control access to subnets and corporate assets
    • Deploy FortiEDR collector
    • Apply FortiEDR virtual patching to workstation
    • Configuring FortiEDR pre- and post-execution scanning policies
    • Filter, sort, and view events in FortiEDR
    • Perform forensic analysis in FortiEDR

Dagssetning: 13/11/2024
Tími: 9:00-13:00
Kostnaður: Ókeypis
Tungumál: Enska/English

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Námskeiðinu er skipt í almenna kynningu sem tekur um það bil 45 mínútur og síðan tæknilega þjálfun (labs) í framhaldi af kynningunni. Þátttakendum er velkomið að þátt í einungis almenna kynningarhlutanum eða þá taka þátt í báðum hlutum.  Allir eru velkomnir að skrá sig hvort sem um er að ræða samstarfsaðila Exclusive Networks  eða viðskiptavinir þeirra.

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