De Prisma Cloud Short Track Expert Sessions
In deze wekelijkse 45 minuten durende technische verdieping laten verschillende experts u zien hoe u Prisma Cloud kunt gebruiken om de gehele levenscyclus van cloud-native applicaties van uw klanten te beschermen – van code tot cloud.
Elke dinsdag in november en december 2022 loopt een ervaren panel van hosts door de uitdagingen waarmee uw klanten worden geconfronteerd. En laten ze zien hoe de schaalbare, doelgerichte oplossing van Prisma Cloud cloud-omgevingen en cloud-native applicaties beschermt.
Meld u nu aan om uw klanten te helpen de slechterikken voor te blijven met realtime zichtbaarheid en full stack bescherming.
De volgende webinars zijn gepland tot en met december:
Detect Misconfigurations, Vulnerabilities, and Threats in Near Real Time
Join this session to learn how you can onboard different Cloud Providers to Prisma Cloud with near real-time misconfiguration, vulnerability, and threat detection.
Dinsdag 8 november – 15 uur
Defend Against Anomalous Behavior or Malicious Activity in Real Time
Join this session to learn how anomaly policy types can help mitigate network anomaly and UEBA issues and discover how runtime protection features for containers work (Prisma Cloud Compute has distinct sensors for file system, network, and process activity).
Dinsdag 15 november – 15 uur
Software Supply Chain Security for Cloud-Native Stacks
Join this session to learn how Prisma Cloud Code Security can provide visualization of cloud-native supply chain.
Dinsdag 29 november – 15 uur
Winning Against WIZ
Join this session to learn how Prisma Cloud is positioned to offer better outcomes for customers with comprehensive preventative capabilities throughout the application lifecycle.
Dinsdag 6 december – 15 uur
Integration with Prisma Cloud, Cortex XDR, XSOAR, and Xpanse
Join this session to learn how to boost your knowledge about the integration of Prisma Cloud, Cortex XDR, XSOAR, and Xpanse.
Dinsdag 13 december – 15 uur
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