Hyper-converged and Multi-clouds are all about keeping IT simple. Your data protection should be, too.

HYCU empowers Nutanix and System Admins to take back the data center without breaking a sweat. Our application-focused solutions give you full stack visibility, to see beyond VMs into business-critical applications. We break through barriers so IT can quickly eliminate problems, fully and reliably recover applications and data, and deploy our products before their coffee goes cold. With 25 years of expertise and insights from millions of users, we make it easy to make both primary and secondary storage invisible!


Video: Ransomware Data Protection in-a-box

Virksomheten din ble nettopp rammet av ransomware.
Bedriftskritiske systemer er låst, data og sikkerhetskopier krypteres. Hva blir det neste?
Må du betale enormt mye til cyberkriminelle for å (kanskje) få tilgang til dataene igjen, eller kan dette unngås?

Lær hvordan Nutanix og HYCU raskt kan forhindre, oppdage angrep, i tillegg til å gjenopprette data fra ransomware-angrep uten å imøtekomme kravene fra cyberkriminelle.

Kasper Aanerud

Business Unit Manager Cloud

Tlf: +47 92 88 06 29
E-post: kaanerud@exclusive-networks.com

Exclusive Networks & HYCU


The Power of Purpose-Built Backup for Nutanix

Unifon Case Study

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Unifon Case Study

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