Tufin – 15 februari -Scalable Micro-Segmentation Program-Expert Roundtable


Micro-segmentation has become a business-critical security strategy for organizations of every size. But within large, complex enterprise environments, designing and enforcing a successful strategy can prove challenging.

Join Forrester senior analyst, David Holmes, and Tufin security pros Erez Tadmor and Aleck Brailsford to learn best practices and pitfalls to avoid when developing a micro-segmentation program for the hybrid enterprise.

    • The role of network-based, host-based, and cloud-based micro-segmentation, and how they inter-relate
    • The benefits of applying micro-seg to cloud-native environments
    • How to support both on-prem and cloud environments
    • Necessary resources needed to be successful


Our speakers:

David Holmes, Senior Analyst – Forrester
Erez Tabmor, Management – Tufin
Aleck Brailsford, Sales Engineering – Tufin


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