Well seeing is believing, that is why our experts at Exclusive Networks will show you how you can benefit from an integration between 2 top vendors.
Everybody knows Palo Alto Networks from their enterprise grade firewalls, well that is understatement since they defined the NGFW.
While network segmentation and security is still vital, it doesn’t stop at the firewall. Cortex XDR will not only protect your endpoint but will also ingest information from your NGFW and cloud environment to give you full visibility in your security stack.
What if we could leverage that information and power it with another disruptive player? That player is Silverfort!
Silverfort is a Unified Identity Protection Platform that enables Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Risk-Based Authentication (RBA) and Zero Trust policies across all sensitive corporate and cloud assets, including systems that couldn’t be protected until today – without requiring any agents, proxies or code changes. In addition, Silverfort extends protection to interfaces and access tools – like Remote PowerShell, PsExec, etc. – that are currently difficult to protect by any MFA solution in the market.
Thanks to the integration possibilities both Vendors provide through their API’s, we will show you how they can enhance each other. While Silverfort is securing your accounts, the advanced endpoint attack behavior detected by Cortex XDR will enrich the Silverfort risk engine with endpoint information. In case of an attack, this results in an instantanous dynamic update of your identity protection policy. Adversary behavior will further feed our feedback loop, allowing us to ingest MFA activity back into Cortex XDR for further analysis. Endpoint and account protection combined will provide a full coverage to counter sophisticated attacks.
We promise more live demo and less slides in this one hour webinar.
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