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Configuring BIG-IP LTM Local Traffic Manager

Posted on: 25/03/2021    By: Exclusive Networks

This course gives network professionals a functional understanding of BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM), introducing students to both commonly used and advanced LTM features.

Configuring BIG-IP APM Access Policy Manager

Posted on: 25/03/2021
By: Exclusive Networks

The BIG-IP Application Security Manager course gives participants a functional understanding of how to deploy, tune, and operate BIG-IP Application Security Manager (ASM) to protect their web applications from HTTP-based attacks

Configuring BIG-IP F5 Advanced WAF

Posted on: 25/03/2021
By: Exclusive Networks

In this 4 day course, students are provided with a functional understanding of how to deploy, tune, and operate F5 Advanced Web Application Firewall to protect their web applications from HTTP-based attacks.

Configuring BIG-IP APM Access Policy Manager

Posted on: 25/03/2021
By: Exclusive Networks

This course gives network administrators, network operators, and network engineers a functional understanding of BIG-IP Access Policy Manager as it is commonly deployed in both application delivery network and remote access settings.

Palo Alto Networks – Firewall 10.0: Improving Security Posture and Hardening PAN-OS Firewalls (EDU-214)

Posted on: 13/02/2021
By: Exclusive Networks

Successful completion of this three-day, instructor-led course will assist the student in being able to manage and maintain an existing Palo Alto Networks Firewall protected environment. The student will learn how to improve non-greenfield environments and will be better equipped at ensuring configurations match security best practice. The student will also be able to develop their own operational strategy to maintain a high level of compliance.