Viðbrögð og forvarnir við netárásum á framleiðslutækni og mikilvæga innviði.
Ekki missa af þessum netöryggisviðburði!
Á undanförnum árum hafa netárásir á fyrirtæki og stofnanir aukist stórum skrefum og eru nú fá fyrirtæki sem ekki eru byrjuð að efla og styrkja varnir sínar gegn hinum ýmsu tegundum netárása.
En getur verið að eitthvað sé að gleymast?
Fyrirtæki hafa oft víðfemt net iðntölva, stýringa og annars búnaðar sem lifir til hliðar við hin eiginlegu netkerfi fyrirtækja. En þó oft samtengd, sem veldur því að gríðarlega mikilvægt er að skilja og þekkja OT/IOT umhverfi sitt.
Verja þarf slík kerfi með sama hætti og við verjum hefðbundin netkerfi og notendur þeirra.
Exclusive Networks í samstarfi við Fortinet, Gigamon og Forescout bjóða áhugasömum á fræðslufund sem haldinn verður miðvikudaginn 24. apríl á milli kl. 9 og 11 í Grósku í Vatnsmýrinni.
Á fundinum verður meðal annars farið yfir:
Hvernig flest fyrirtæki þurfa að velta fyrir sér netöryggi tækja þó þau tilheyri ekki hinu eiginlega netkerfi.
Hvaða helstu hættur ógna netöryggi framleiðslukerfa og mikilvægra innviða?
Hver er áherslumunur á netöryggi almennra netkerfa og síðan framleiðslu, iðnkerfa og mikilvægra innviða?
Hverju þarf að huga að þegar kemur að netöryggi IOT tækja?
Þátttakendum og áhugasömum er einnig boðið til móttöku á Kjarval við Austurstræti á milli 16 og 18 þar sem gefst tilvalið tækifæri til að hitta fyrirlesara, taka létt öryggisspjall og njóta góðra veitinga.
Exclusive Networks er alþjóðlegur dreifingaraðili netöryggislausna sem takast á við öryggis-ógnir nútímans hvar sem þær kunna að finnast. Með skrifstofur tæplega 60 löndum, og getu til að þjóna viðskiptavinum í yfir 170, hefur Exclusive Networks þróað “staðbundna sölu á heimsvísu”. Áhersla Exclusive Networks er að vinna með framleiðendum sem eru leiðandi bæði í nýsköpun og tækni.
08:30 | Léttar morgunveitingar |
09:00 |
Um mikilvægi netöryggis þegar kemur að framleiðslutækni |
09:10 |
How to secure remote access to your critical OT environments – Fortinet Zero Trust Access |
09:50 |
Secure your critical OT infrastructure in a hybrid world where everything is becoming interconnected |
10:30 |
Insecurity of Internet of things, IOT,IOMT, OT |
11:00 | Fundarlok |
16:00 | Þátttakendum og áhugasömum er boðið í móttöku á Kjarval við Austurstræti milli 16 og 18 þar sem gefst tilvalið tækifæri til að hitta fyrirlesara, taka létt öryggisspjall og njóta góðra veitinga. |
Skráðu þig hér
Christian Rutrecht
Director Systems Engineering
Fortinet Denmark
How to secure remote access to your critical OT environments -Fortinet Zero Trust Access
At a time when remote access to OT-environments has become more widespread and the need is necessary, it is critical to have effective security measures in place. We look at how ZTNA can be used to establish secure remote access to OT-environments and minimize the risk of unauthorized access.
Another key component for remote access for “external consultants” is FortiPAMSRA (Secure Remote Access). We will showcase how FortiPAMSRA works as a comprehensive remote access management and identity verification platform.
The session will cover the following areas:
. What attack types and challenges do we currently see?
What is Zero Trust Network Access and how is it used in OT?
. Secure Access to business partners and manufacturers with SRA where you retain control yourself.
System Engineering Director at Fortinet Denmark with 10 years experienceworking as a security specialist with various roles in pen-testing, security assessment and training, threat management, project management, threat analysis and security architecture as well as policy and compliance implementations based on ISO27001, NIST and IEC64443 in both the private and public sectors.
Secure your critical OT infrastructure in a hybrid world where everything is becoming interconnected
As manufacturing and process industries are becoming more automated, this automation is driving tons of IT & IoT devices in the traditional OT domain – This is causing new challenges with blind spots between different sets of tools. Gigamon will bridge those gaps and provide 100% visibility in a hybrid world where everything is becoming interconnected: IT & OT, on-prem, private & public cloud, virtual & containers, and East-West lateral movement. Gigamon will eliminate noise hitting customers’ existing security tools by some 80%, which will provide a performance boost to existing investments made so those tools can pinpoint security issues faster.
Whether your data comes from information technology or operational technology solutions, you have valuable data that you need to manage. Gigamon helps you do that by providing you and your company with complete on-prem, private & cloud visibility.
The session will cover the following areas:
. How Gigamon eliminates blind spots between on-prem, private & public cloud, IT & OT, virtual machines, containers and East-West traffic
. Complete visibility into everything connected is required for successful Zero Trust projects and to meet Regulatory & Compliance pressures in heavily regulated industries
. Learn how Gigamon provides a performance boost to your existing security tools by reducing noise by some 80%, so that your existing tools can pinpoint security issues faster
Marko Rämö is the Gigamon Sr. Regional Sales Director for Nordics & Baltics. With over 30 years of experience in the IT & OT industries, Marko has worked with global customers, supporting them in achieving business objectives such as securing critical infrastructures, data center consolidations, digital transformation and move to private & public cloud while achieving cost benefits and meeting Regulatory & Compliance pressures. With experience from companies like Verizon, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Dell, Brocade and Forescout, Marko has broad experience of supporting customers in heavily regulated industries such as energy, healthcare, oil & gas, finance, maritime, and Police & Defense.
In his current role, Marko is supporting customers in automating manufacturing and process industries while eliminating blind spots in hybrid environments where everything is becoming interconnected.
Marko Rämö
Senior Regional Sales Director Nordics & Baltics
Niall Kinsella
Senior Systems Engineering
Insecurity of Internet of things, IOT,IOMT, OT
In our contemporary landscape, an increasing number of devices are joining global networks on a daily basis. The access and connectivity of these devices have become indispensable for business operations. Yet, the prevalence of insecure IoT, OT, and IOMT devices poses a significant security risks. Consequently, organizations find themselves grappling with the challenge of comprehending the scope of devices connected to their networks and continuously assessing their current security status.
The session will cover the following areas:
. Current state of play for IOT, IOMT and OT devices
. Forescout’s 2023 attack analysis
. How organizations can mitigate the risks associated with the growing attack surface
A Senior Systems Engineer at Forescout, boasts over a decade of expertise in security engineering. His extensive background includes diverse roles in SOC engineering, professional services, and security architecture. Throughout his tenure at Forescout, Niall has played a pivotal role in assisting global enterprises across industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, finance, energy, and defence, ensuring the security of their networks and facilitating the implementation of intricate cybersecurity strategies.