GROW Faster with
Palo Alto Networks

The cybersecurity market is expected to grow 13-15% this year.

Business leaders across the channel have one of the toughest jobs in choosing the right vendors for their portfolio so they can grow at the same pace.

One fast-growing vendor to watch is Palo Alto Networks, who market analysts say is in the strongest position to weather the economic downturn and capitalise on customers consolidating their vendor relationships to reduce costs.

In recent months, they’ve been named as top of the list of worldwide cybersecurity vendors by market share, grew Q3 revenue 24% YoY, were promoted to the S&P 500, and became listed in the Forbes Global 2000. This news is too hot to ignore!

Grow your business too with a Palo Alto Networks partnership

Most partners start their Palo Alto Networks partnership the ‘classic’ way, with Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs). For many customers, NGFWs sit at the heart of their cybersecurity infrastructure.

But not all NGFWs were created equal; it’s technology that sets Palo Alto Networks apart.

Find out how in this handy NGFW Guide, which focuses on the entry-level PA-400 Series.


Exclusive Networks serviced over 1,700 Palo Alto Networks partners last year, who sold collectively to more than 9,500 end customers. Those partners and customers each benefited from our Palo Alto Networks Global Centre of Excellence, and you could too in joining our Palo Alto Networks community.


And if you’re looking for even more business growth inspiration, here’s how one partner, SCALTEL, evolved from traditional networking partner to security partner and Managed Service Provider with Palo Alto Networks and Exclusive Networks.


If you’ve sold other NGFWs, or specialise in cybersecurity, know this area of the market well and are looking to grow, it’s time to take another look at Palo Alto Networks!

In doing so, you’ll…

  • Give your customers the perfect choice as they consolidate their cybersecurity vendors and tools
  • Have instant access to our Palo Alto Networks Global Centre of Excellence
  • Avoid losing out to your competition, and Grow your business too!

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specialists to start a conversation today, send an email to