As 3rd of February 2022 Veracomp – Exclusive Networks Poland S.A. will operate under the name Exclusive Networks Poland S.A. This change is the culmination of a process, initiated in August 2020, related to the acquisition of Veracomp by a global VAD distributor – Exclusive Networks.
In January 2021 Veracomp, an IT distributor in 18 Central and Eastern European countries with over 30 years of experience, finalized the sale of its assets to Exclusive Networks Group. From that moment the Polish distributor operated under the name Veracomp – Exclusive Networks Poland S.A. It also became a cluster of Exclusive Networks CEE, managed by CEO Mariusz Kochanski. The completion of this transaction was one of the most important elements of the distributor’s global expansion and a unique opportunity for success in this part of Europe.
On February 3, the final stage of the process was completed. The new name was registered in the National Court Register. From now the company operates as Exclusive Networks Poland S.A. The changes are also introduced by other, foreign branches, previously belonging to Veracomp group.
– We started the rebranding process in January 2021. For the last year the company was called Veracomp – Exclusive Networks. In this way we wanted to communicate the merger of the two experienced companies and introduce a new player into the CEE market. I think that after a year of comprehensive marketing activities our partners will have no problem recognizing Exclusive Networks Poland – a “global” VAD distributor with a “local” team. Especially that we will continue to work on building awareness of the new name which is synonymous with trust, competence and close relations – explains Anna Styrylska – Marketing & PR Director at Exclusive Networks Poland S.A.
By joining forces with a global distributor, the branches of Exclusive Networks in Central and Eastern Europe it operates in a unique model: local sale, global scale. It ensures the exchange of experience with experts from all over the world and a stable development in international structures. At the same time it guarantees independence, closeness to partners, direct commercial and technical support, provided by people who know the local market perfectly well and speak their language.
– When we announced a plan to join Exclusive Networks’ global group a year and a half ago, we knew it is a big responsibility for us, but I am convinced that our team will cope well with the new challenges. We have proven it many times. Exclusive Networks in CEE is created by the same, competent specialists, some of them connected with the company from the very beginning. As before, our priority will be to advise and support our business partners and their clients with knowledge and experience. We are committed to maintaining a culture of trust and partnership in our day-to-day relationships. We also plan to consistently carry out our mission, which is to build trust in technology in the process of digital transformation – explains Mariusz Kochanski – CEO Exclusive Networks Poland S.A., also responsible for the CEE region.