Technical Webinar: Fortinet’s SD-WAN Solution — Network Security Made Easy


During our live webinar the Exclusive Network’s SE team will walk you through a technical introduction to Fortinet’s Secure SD-WAN solution. Our expert Daniel Kinzel will show you exactly what critical functionalities make Fortinet’s SD-WAN solution standout amongst others in the industry.

Why Fortinet SD-WAN?
• Protect yourself whether your employees are remote, hybrid, or in-person.
• It is a no stress solution with zero-trust architecture that provides a seamless convergence of on-premises and cloud delivered security.
• Have an enhanced IT and user experience through AI-Ops, digital experience monitoring, and automation, improving efficiency overall.
• Enjoy the simplicity of Fortinet’s SD-WAN solution even in a complex world.

1. Presentation: overview of Fortinet’s SD-WAN solution
2. Q&A opportunity with our experts
3. A live demo to show you exactly why Fortinet stands out.

When: August 31

Where: Virtual (GoToWebinar Platform)

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