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Uvijek relevantna rješenja za cyber sigurnost

Pomažemo u tranziciji prema potpuno sigurnom digitalnom svijetu uz pomoć rješenja za zaštitu mreže. 

Globalni channel partneri trebaju specijalista. Osiguravamo sigurnu optimizaciju, skaliranje, povezivanje i orkestraciju digitalne infrastrukture – kako bismo stvorili siguran i potpuno pouzdan digitalni svijet.

Pretražite rješenja za mrežu

Rješenja su mapirana prema priznatim tržišnim kategorijama. Exclusive Networks ima specijaliste za svako od njih – uz mogućnost globalne isporuke usluga najviše razine. 

What is it?

ADCs are the gatekeepers of application performance, security and resource efficiency that today go beyond application acceleration and load balancing to execute a highly advanced suite of network and security functions.

Our solutions:

What is it?

Backup and recovery are critical to business continuity and disaster recovery, enabling organisations to maintain separately and securely stored copies of any/all relevant data with the ability to use this to continue operating with minimal disruption following a catastrophic event, prolonged crisis, ransomware attack, etc.

Our solutions:

What is it?

CASB is central to cloud security strategy, sitting between cloud users and cloud applications to monitor activity, enforce security policy and enable organisations to enjoy the agility and performance of the cloud at significantly reduced risk.

Our solutions:

What is it?

Data encryption is a core aspect of cybersecurity strategy, allowing sensitive data to be encrypted while at rest or in transit (or both) and only usable by authorised users or machines.

Our solutions:

What is it?

Software-defined networks are those that that separate the control plane from the data/forwarding plane in networking equipment, to enable more automated provisioning and policy-based management of network resources across the enterprise.

Our solutions:

What is it?

DDI solutions manage critical core network services in an automated way – secure DNS (domain name system), DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) and IPAM (IP access management) – for maximum efficiency and accuracy.

Our solutions:

DevSecOps automates the integration of security at every phase of the software development lifecyle rather than addressing security in a separate silo. Through a DevSecOps approach businesses can reduce security risk whist maintaining the speed and agility required for software development.

What is it?

Distributed file system storage uses a single parallel file system to cluster multiple storage nodes together, providing high throughput and capacity in a linear manner and presenting a single namespace and storage pool to provide high-bandwidth data access for multiple hosts in parallel.

Our solutions:

What is it?

Endpoint detection and response (EDR) goes beyond EPP capabilities to detect new malicious threats, prevent attacks, support investigation and remediation of dynamic security incidents and enable proactive threat hunting.

Our solutions:

What is it?

Endpoint protection platforms (EPPs) are an essential first line of defence, designed to detect and block malicious threats at device level using a range of capabilities that can identify newly discovered attacks based on the latest known indicators of compromise, adversary tactics and techniques.

Our solutions:

What is it?

Hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) is a software-defined, unified system that combines all the elements of a traditional data centre: storage, compute, networking and management.

Our solutions:

What is it?

NGFWs have evolved beyond the traditional firewall platform to better protect organisations and enable a range of powerful cyber features with far greater control.

Our solutions:

What is it?

Identity access management (IAM) is the technology that ensures the right people have authenticated access to the right resources at the right time for the right reasons, ensuring good cybersecurity posture and compliance to required standards.

Our solutions:

What is it?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects featuring embedded technology for the purpose of supporting a wide range of applications. OT (Operational Technology) refers to the world of hardware and software that monitors and/or controls industrial equipment, assets and processes – so-called to distinguish it from “information technology” (IT).

Our solutions:

What is it?

High-performance NAC solutions implement policies for controlling network access by devices and users, without impeding productivity.

Our solutions:

What is it?

Network detection and response (NDR) has evolved from the ‘network traffic analysis’ market category, reflecting the increased sophistication of behavioural analytics and AI to improve threat detection capabilities without compromising the performance of high-performance networks.

Our solutions:

What is it?

Network packet brokers consolidate real-time monitoring information from probes and sensors distributed across the network, optimising the accuracy and performance of network and security tools with the highest quality data and illuminating any ‘blind-spots’ to provide a comprehensive view and flow of network traffic.

Our solutions:

What is it?

Distributed file system storage uses a single parallel file system to cluster multiple storage nodes together, providing high throughput and capacity in a linear manner and presenting a single namespace and storage pool to provide high-bandwidth data access for multiple hosts in parallel.

Our solutions:

What is it?

Privileged access management (PAM) ensures that the critical functions of administrators and other privileged users are not compromised and is typically deployed as a part of identity access management (IAM) solution.

Our solutions:

What is it?

SIEM solutions’ fundamental role is collecting and analysing all available security-related data – typically very large quantities of great complexity – and producing real-time, prioritised insights for security teams to act upon, and detailed reporting for compliance purposes.

Our solutions:

What is it?

SASE is a cybersecurity concept, based on the convergence of (SD-)WAN capabilities and network security functions, that identifies users and devices, applies policy-based security and delivers secure access ‘as a service’ to the application application/data.

Our solutions:

What is it?

SOAR solutions enable organisations to respond to security threats and incidents without the need for, or reducing the need for human intervention, complementing cybersecurity teams with an intelligent, automated digital capability that frees up resources allowing them to focus on tasks requiring human element to make the important decisions.

Our solutions:

What is it?

Secure email gateways guard one of the most risk-prone attack vectors – email – by preventing the dissemination of malware, malicious attachments, phishing attacks and unwanted spam, and preserving the integrity of email content intended only for their stated recipients.

Our solutions:

What is it?

UEBA solutions use analytics to build the standard profiles and behaviours of users and entities (hosts, applications, network traffic and data repositories) across time and peer group horizons. Activity that is anomalous to these standard baselines is presented as suspicious, and packaged analytics applied on these anomalies can help discover threats and potential incidents.

Our solutions:

What is it?

SD-WAN provides dynamic, policy-based, application path selection across multiple WAN connections and supports additional services such as WAN optimisation and firewalls – increasingly important as organisations migrate services from the data centre to the edge.

Our solutions:

What is it?

Web application firewalls protect web applications and APIs against a variety of attacks such as business logic attacks and online fraud, SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS), providing a specialised defence mechanism to protect vital web assets.

Our solutions:

What is it?

Wired and wireless LAN access refer to the essential technology enabling high performance, secure, dynamic connectivity to enterprise local area networks.

Our solutions:

Pogledajte mogućnosti primjene

Pridružite nam se na putu prema potpuno sigurnom digitalnom svijetu. Obratite se našim stručnjacima i objasnite svoje potrebe. 

Zašto je važno zaštititi se?

Cyber napadi se neprestano razvijaju, a napadači svakodnevno pronalaze nove i inovativne načine za proboj u mrežu.

Sve veća količina korporativnih podataka je ugrožena, a napredni cyber napadi poput WannaCry i Petya/NotPetya postaju sve prisutniji. Istražite naš distribucijski portfelj i otkrijte inovativna rješenja koja će zaštiti vaše poslovanje i omogućiti vam da budete u koraku s rastućim brojem sigurnosnih prijetnji.

Naša rješenja:

Zašto je važno zaštititi se?

Podaci su jedan od najvrjednijih organizacijskih resursa. Tvrtke su svjesne važnosti zaštite, no svejedno dolazi do cyber napada i potom do neizbježnih gubitaka podataka. Cyber napadi usmjereni na proboj u podatke predstavljaju sve veći izazov za današnje organizacije, pogotovo u slučaju krađe.

Istražite naš distribucijski portfelj i otkrijte inovativna rješenja koja će zaštiti vaše podatke i omogućiti vam da budete u koraku s rastućim brojem sigurnosnih prijetnji.

Naša rješenja:

Zašto je važno zaštititi se?

Količina podataka i zahtjevi prema aplikacijama neprestano rastu. Podatkovni centri trebaju biti isplativi, agilni i sigurni.

Uz pretpostavku da su napadi neizbježni i da su zahtjevi za većim kapacitetima pohrane u porastu, donosimo vam pregled pažljivo odabranih distributera čija rješenja efikasno odgovaraju na brzinu promjena u kontekstu podatkovnih centara.

Naša rješenja:

Zašto je važno zaštititi se?

Gotovo svi napadi unutar tvrtke započinju s insajderskim napadom. Neovisno radi li se o malicioznom napadu ili kompromitiranom, insajderski napad je najveća prijetnja mreži.

Stoga ne čudi da mnoge organizacije svoj fokus usmjeravaju upravo na rješavanje insajderskih prijetnji. Proučite rješenja iz našeg portfelja koja će vam osigurati efikasnu obranu.

Naša rješenja:

Zašto je važno zaštititi se?

Internet stvari (Internet of Things) donosi ekspanziju podataka koji ulaze u mrežu, pohranjuju se i obrađuju. Iako trend usvajanja IOT uređaja donosi brojne benefite, sa sobom nosi i rizike.

Što je više uređaja povezano na vašu mrežu, veća je i površina napada. Vidljivost je stoga ključna. Naime, ono što ne vidite ne možete ni osigurati. Istražite naš distribucijski portfelj i otkrijte inovativna rješenja koja će podržati vaše poslovanje u vrijeme kad broj IOT uređaja neprestano raste.

Naša rješenja:

What is it?

Prilikom preseljenja poslovanja u cloud, svaka organizacija u obzir mora uzeti niz stvari.

Koje workloadove prvo treba prebaciti? Hoće li se pristupiti kompletnom prijelazu na cloud ili će se usvojiti hibridni model? Kako zaštiti podatke pohranjene u cloud? Kako osigurati da pravi pojedinci imaju pristup pravim podacima u pravo vrijeme?

Naša rješenja:

Zašto je važno zaštititi se?

Sve više tvrtki prelazi na 0365. Exclusive Networks u svom portfelju ima niz rješenja koja osiguravaju mogućnost identifikacije, zaštite i ograničenja pristupa za vaše vitalne podatke. Istražite rješenja u našem portfelju koja će podržati vaš prelazak na cloud.

Naša rješenja:

Zašto je važno zaštititi se?

Orkestracija postaje sve važnija za tvrtke jer se radi o procesu koordinacije, konfiguracije, upravljanja i nadziranja složenih sustava.

Automatizacija i orkestracija vaših radnih okruženja može dovesti do brojnih poslovnih benefita, uključujući učinkovitost i smanjenje operativnih troškova. Orkestracija tvrtkama omogućuje skaliranje mreže i stvaranje agilnijeg i responzivnijeg okruženja.

Naša rješenja:

Zašto je važno zaštititi se?

Ne možete zaštititi ono što ne vidite.

Kako količina pohranjenih podataka raste i sve se više uređaja povezuje s mrežom, okruženje postaje kompleksnije.

Budući da broj sofisticiranih cyber napada raste, sigurnost postaje od primarnog interesa za tvrtke. Osim što važno imati odgovarajuće alate, od vitalnog je značenja osigurati i vidljivost koja će omogućiti suzbijanje i ublažavanje prijetnji.

Naša rješenja:

Istražite naš portfelj pouzdanih rješenja visokih performansi