Save Your Data and Your Sanity
We have so much to stress out about already, we simply don’t want to […]
Rubrik delivers a single software platform for complete enterprise data management across data center to cloud. It has been designed from the ground-up to simplify and automate core backup and recovery capabilities while also enabling API-first automation, easy cloud mobility, and defense against cyber attacks and data breaches.
1 – Software-defined:
Rubrik consolidates disparate hardware and software components into a single software fabric. Enterprises can run Rubrik anywhere via plug-and-play appliances on-premises, as software on third-party hardware, or as software in the cloud.
2 – Simplicity at scale:
Rubrik wipes out management complexity with just a few clicks. By adopting the same web-scale technologies used by Google, Facebook, and Amazon, users can easily handle rapidly increasing volumes of information with a linear-scale architecture.
3 – Cloud mobility:
Rubrik enables cloud and application mobility for all enterprises. Whether deployed on-premises or in the public cloud, Rubrik can protect cloud-native applications, search across applications and files, and quickly spin up instances for test/dev or DR.
4 – API-first:
Rubrik is the industry’s only data management solution built on an API-first architecture. To help users leverage the APIs, Rubrik offers industry-standard OpenAPI documentation, sample code, and pre-built integrations with a variety of automation tools.
5 – End-to-end security:
Rubrik offers a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to security. Throughout the entire lifecycle, data is encrypted in-flight and at-rest. Enterprises can recover from ransomware attacks quickly by reverting to the most recent clean snapshot. All applications and data are stored in an immutable format.
6 – Broad ecosystem support:
Rubrik’s software platform is designed to be vendor-agnostic, supporting industry-leading applications, operating systems, databases, hypervisors, clouds, and SaaS applications. Rubrik provides freedom of choice, allowing enterprises to operate both on-premises and in any cloud while avoiding vendor lock-in.
We have so much to stress out about already, we simply don’t want to […]
Ransomware has become one of the hardest types of cyberattacks to recover from. But […]
The new Rubrik Security Cloud experience will keep your business resilient in the face […]