The first 10 partners to order a “not for resale” (NFR) kit before the 30th of September 2021, will be sent an EXN/ Fortinet summer goodie bag.
The reseller organisation must have not transacted a Fortinet order with Exclusive Networks in the previous rolling 24 month period up to the date of the NFR order
The first 10 partners to place an NFR order will be eligible to win the summer goodie bags
Must be 18 year old or over.
All details required must be provided to EXN – Full name, job title, company, full address of where to send the NFR kit and goodies. Missing details will annul the win.
Participants must order a NFR kit before end of 30th of September 2021 and be one of the first 10 partners to do so.
No cash equivalent
Strictly one prize per organisation
Each winner will be required to sign acknowledgement of incentive received form