Tufin – 27 oktober – Orchestration Suite R23-2: Getting Sassy with SASE & Cloud


Witness our unveiling of the latest version of our flagship solution: Tufin Orchestration Suite 23-2!

Users, applications, and data are everywhere, demanding a network that is more flexible and accessible than ever before. This surge in network traffic has brought both cost and security challenges to the forefront. Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) has become the standard for securing internet traffic, thereby reshaping network and security paradigms.Join Erez Tadmor, Network Security Evangelist, and Alon Buteliano, Director of Product Management, on October 26 and October 27 to learn how Tufin Orchestration Suite R23-2:

  • Streamlines SASE policy management across your hybrid network.
  • Expedites security audits and compliance efforts.
  • Enhances application connectivity triage.
  • And serves as a comprehensive solution for your evolving security and networking needs.
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