Latest news & press

Trend Micro Engineer`s Club 22.06.2021

Posted on: 10/06/2021
By: Office step2net

Не пропускайте второто издание на Trend Micro: „Клуб на инженерите“ и новото предизвикателство, което колегите от Тренд са подготвили за вас!
Забавлявайте се и печелете награди!
Очакваме ви във вторник, 22 юни от 11 – 14 часа и благодарим предварително за участието.

Trend Micro Perspectives A live virtual event designed for CISOs and security and cloud leaders

Posted on: 07/06/2021
By: Office step2net

In our increasingly connected world, the need to advance digital transformation has never been greater. Being able to balance increasing risk with the massive opportunity that cloud and new technologies deliver is a difficult equation to solve – but one that is critical to driving your business faster & further.

Try Trend Micro VISION ONE

Posted on: 02/06/2021
By: Office step2net

See more. Respond faster.
Trend Micro Vision One is a purpose-built threat defense
a platform that provides added value and new benefits beyond
XDR solutions, allowing you to see more and respond faster.
Providing deep and broad extended detection and response (XDR) capabilities that collect and automatically correlate
data across multiple security layers—email, endpoints, servers,
cloud workloads, and networks—Trend Micro Vision One
prevents the majority of attacks with automated protection

Trend Micro MSP Partner Event

Posted on: 20/05/2021
By: Office step2net

Съвместно с Trend Micro, имаме удоволствието, да ви поканим за участие в предстоящо онлайн партньорско събитие на тема MSP, което е организирано специално за всички партньори, само за България, в което Trend Micro експерти ще ви представят един нов модел за управление на бизнеса, ще ви запознаят с продуктите, включени за предлагане по тази схема, ще ви демонстрират онлайн – платформата за управление на вашия бизнес, и ще ви представят ползите и предимствата по тази програма.

Veracomp Webinar Trend Micro XDR

Posted on: 15/03/2021
By: Office step2net

What’s XDR and is it a product? XDR is an added capability for performing detection and response across email, network, endpoint, server, and cloud workloads. This week we will take a look at what Trend offers in the XDR department and how it works.

Why choose Trend Micro over its competitors?

Posted on: 16/02/2021
By: Office step2net

Why choose Trend Micro over its competitors?

In this week’s webinar we will see why you should choose Trend Micro over the other products on the marked, we will take a look at the different products that Trend offers and what are the advantages of using them.

Weekly Security News of Trend Micro

Posted on: 01/02/2021
By: Office step2net

Welcome to Trend Micro`s weekly roundup, where they share what you need to know about cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, learn about how a global police investigation has culminated in Emotet’s takedown and the arrest of multiple alleged members behind it.

Detection and Response (XDR) – Veracomp webinar

Posted on: 18/01/2021
By: Office step2net

We are inviting you to our webinar Detection and Response (XDR), on the 21st of January, 2021, 10:30 AM EET. About the webinar: Trend Micro™ XDR collects and correlates deep activity data across multiple vectors – email, endpoints, servers, cloud workloads, and network.

Detection and Response (XDR) – Veracomp webinar

Posted on: 18/01/2021
By: Office step2net

We are inviting you to our webinar Detection and Response (XDR), on the 21st of January, 2021, 10:30 AM EET. About the webinar: Trend Micro™ XDR collects and correlates deep activity data across multiple vectors – email, endpoints, servers, cloud workloads, and network.