The data your company runs on is its most valuable asset. It’s also the coveted target of cybercriminals. We’ve seen time and again how major brands fall prey to malicious attacks that cost them millions in revenue and customer retention. For example:
- ransomware that requires you to pay up or lose data forever
- DDoS attacks that take your websites and mobile apps offline
- hacktivist campaigns that expose your vulnerabilities—these are rampant.
Your company is an eligible target. It’s no longer a matter of if you will be attacked, but when and how often.
Securing your data, applications and websites from potential and recurring web attacks requires careful planning and investment.
It may feel daunting, but you can minimize the severity and impact cyber attacks create.
In Imperva’s Web Attack Survival Guide, we walk you through the basics to get you well-prepared to thwart and mitigate attacks. We’ll show you the steps to take before, during and after attacks. You’ll also find a handy checklist you can print to use with your teams.
Web attacks are inevitable; the financial and customer losses they cause are not.
With the right preventative measures and attack responses in place, you can protect your data and applications, in the cloud and on premises.
Click here here to download your copy of Imperva’s Web Attack Survival Guide and
contact your local Exclusive Networks Account Manager to learn more about the Imperva portfolio.