The Prevention Posture Assessment (PPA) is an online customer success tool that helps set customer expectations about building prevention-oriented architectures.
Through a series of questions, the tool aids in assessing the current and future state of your customer’s platform capability adoption and determines prevention focus areas at the greatest risk. The PPA should be used as a part of an architectural approach to improving prevention posture and Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Security Platform adoption.
Conducting a PPA helps define the current and future state of a customer’s security posture and architecture so they can set expectations and prepare a plan to create and measure a prevention-oriented architecture.
The PPA is the first step in enabling a customer to evaluate their security posture and architecture. While Palo Alto Networks encourages the use of the PPA at all stages, they often see that install base customers are the likeliest to engage in an assessment for various reasons, such as:
- As a catalyst for reassessing their current state, including recent changes in personnel.
- Looking to make a change or begin an RFP, or simply having an interest in improving the protective capacity of their overall architecture.
- Being dormant or quiet accounts that have room for growth or ROI from a renewal, end-of-life, or refresh perspective.
- You have strong senior-level relationships or executive sponsorship
- Prospect has an interest in improving their prevention posture
Your Exclusive Networks Account Manager and Systems Engineer are more than happy to support you in conducting PPAs for your customers. Do not hesitate to call them today!