The Law of Data Protection
Secure your applications

Will Nutanix and Fortinet work for you?
Challenges in the market
With increasing application complexity, driven by distributed services and rapid growth in cloud-based offerings, the need to easily visualise, analyse and secure network communications becomes critical.
Solution Overview
Fortinet and Nutanix form a software-defined solution with secure, scalable, hyperconverged infrastructure for virtualiSed applications.
Nutanix Flow, FortiGate-VM.
The Law of Data Protection
Use Case: Network Security
Key features you will benefit from:
- The FortiGate-VM running on Nutanix AHV provides deeper visibility into applications and prevents known and unknown threats
- FortiGate-VM enables data center traffic to be segmented based on the application and then inspected for known and unknown cyber-threats
- Policy based redirection from Nutanix Flow gives admins granular control over traffic inspection and optimises resource consumption
- Automation features and centralized management enable you to ensure that security policies can keep pace with any changes in your enterprise cloud environment
Will this work for you?
- Are you an existing Nutanix and/ or Fortinet customer?
- Do you operate in a highly virtualised/ hyperconverged environment?
- Do you have an expanding cloud environment?
- Are you in a highly regulated industry?
With Nutanix and Fortinet you will be able to:
- Segment and control East-West VM traffic
- utilise advanced L7 security protection and automated remediation
- Add policy based Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) between VMs
- Identify and control traffic flowing into your secure environment; limit application access based on users and groups; block known and unknown threats
- Securely deploy applications faster and scale at the pace of modern business
- Predictable scale-out architecture to seamlessly expand desktop and server virtualisation pilots to full production deployment
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