Palo Alto Networks Prisma Cloud 3.0: The industry’s first integrated platform to secure the entire application lifecycle
Palo Alto Networks announced Prisma® Cloud 3.0, the industry’s first integrated platform that moves security to the left, significantly improving enterprises’ overall cloud security posture by reducing security risks at runtime. The most comprehensive Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP), whose customer base already includes 77% of the Fortune 100, now offers enterprises Cloud Code Security to embed critical protections into the development process, agentless security to complement existing agent-based protection, and Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) for Microsoft Azure®.
The speed of development and adoption of new cloud applications is increasing exponentially as organisations accelerate cloud adoption. However, a single misconfiguration in the code templates that development and DevOps teams rely on can result in thousands of runtime alerts that must then be addressed by security teams. Prisma Cloud 3.0 proactively addresses such misconfigurations by embedding Infrastructure as Code (IaC) security and code fixes directly into development tools throughout the development lifecycle.
“We designed Prisma Cloud to be a fully integrated platform with best-in-class features that help our customers stay ahead of attackers and threats as their security needs evolve,” said Ankur Shah, senior vice president of product management, Prisma Cloud at Palo Alto Networks. “Prisma Cloud 3.0 drives this commitment even further. Our recent Unit 42 Cloud Threat Report shows the extent of emerging security risks to cloud code: We found that 63% of templates used to build cloud infrastructures contain misconfigurations that can leave environments vulnerable to vulnerabilities. Prisma Cloud’s new capabilities secure cloud environments from development to runtime in a single platform, shifting security to proactively fixing issues that start in development.”
Learn more in this article.