New form of applications
in myHEZO

Now using the myHEZO portal require another, one-time registration in the application.

[ Polish version >> ]

For this purpose, after entering the website: language version) or language version) select the option: Login and then: Register.

In the registration process – in addition to contact details – it is crucial to enter three main parameters on the basis of which the authorization process will take place, these are:

  • company’s tax identification number,
  • number of one of the purchased contracts (service contract number),
  • one of the serial numbers from the contract indicated above.

The notation of serial numbers has been changed in the new system. During the transition period, a prefix (H) was added before the serial number – example (H)-FG1234567890. From June 19, 2024, only the serial number should be used in the authorization process – example FG1234567890.

To finish loggining process you have to use two factors authentication. Depending on your choice, these may be, for example, Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Okta Authenticator.

After logging in, all purchased service contracts and the serial numbers assigned to them will be displayed in the new notation.

If you have problems with authorization in the new portal or with the establishment of the application, we invite you to contact us:

call: +48 12 25 25 606 | fill out the form>>> | write to:

The following will be transferred to the new application:

  1. all active myHEZO service contracts – there is no need to re-register them,
  2. all active reports, which will have the following form:
  • the subject of the report (will remain unchanged),
  • dialogue from the case (will be saved as a PDF file and placed as an attachment).

Processes closed in the current application will not be transferred to the new platform.

Access to previous applications will be possible immediately after re-registering on the portal.

In accordance with GDPR, a modification has been introduced to the application interface.
When creating a case, the myHEZO user has the option of specifying whether he grants access to the content of the submitted report to the employees of the company that provided him with the license.



Do you need more information?

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